ClassForThat offers a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.
Choose your preferred format and learn whenever you want, wherever you are
Book classes directly from the teacher's calendar at your location or at the teacher's location.
Book classes directly from the teacher's calendar to meet online through our online platform.
Buy and access video lessons at your convenience.
Teachers set their own price for each of their classes. Prices are seen on an hourly rate so that you can compare easier. Price of each class will vary depending on the duration. You are charged the amount noted at checkout, with no hidden extra costs.
Search for any class by name or by category using a tile mosaic.
Compare classes and teachers based on class format, ratings, prices, levels, target audience and languages in which the class is taught.
Purchase classes directly from the teacher's calendar.
At class time, teachers and students meet either in person or online with one click. Recorded class can be accessed at your convenience.