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Vanesssa Ahumada
US $ 30.00 / hr
Available Classes
See Availability
Vusumuzi Dlangudlangu
US $ 50.00 / hr
14 classes
Tiya Lissade
US $ 45.00 / hr
0 classes
Ruci Ravatu
US $ 10.00 / hr
Fatima Alarde
Mathematics Level 1 SAT Subject Test
Julios Dumabok
US $ 6.00 / hr
Baby Apple Perada
US $ 12.00 / hr
P.santosh Iyer
US $ 15.00 / hr
Erica Kennedy
US $ 20.00 / hr
Bulelani Marwanqana
US $ 7.00 / hr
Ephraim Aondofa Abo
US $ 24.00 / hr
Somain Arora
Catherine Mung'ohe
Joel Joy
US $ 25.00 / hr
Malmi Ranasinghe
Please note that we currently have a limited number of teachers. Our teachers are adding more classes regularly. If you are interested in more options for this class, please click SEND below.
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Classes you teach to students in your institution incur a 0% commission. Classes you teach to students on the ClassForThat open platform incur a 20% commission. Fees charged by the credit card processor will be passed on to the teacher at cost. This cost is currently 3.3% plus US $0.30 dollars.
Teachers set their own price for each of their classes. Prices are seen on an hourly rate so that you can compare easier.
Price of each class will vary depending on the duration.
You are charged the amount noted at checkout, with no hidden extra costs.
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